Polish Business Euro Club ltd
Warsaw CEE Financial HUB - Capital of opportunities

- The 2010 Warsaw CEE FH Program Brief
- Warsaw CEE FH Sponsorship Packages
- Program of The 2010 Warsaw CEE
We invite you cordially to participate in the Warsaw - CEE Financial Hub Conference . Unique opportunity to listen to main decision makers of Polish economic establishment . VIP speakers ,former PM , ex chairman of National Bank of Poland , current top ministers and experts plus ex European commissioners and current euro MP, board management of WSE. The list is very impressive recognize internationally among business community. Active participation ,meeting with chosen counterparts are only few options to tighten your business with WSE-Warsaw Stock Exchange members and
enterprises. Get the feel of Warsaw already powerful city in the Region with fast growing financial and economic importance in Europe. WSE most active exchange in 2010 your opportunity to make money with tailored made business agreements.
more: http://www.ceefinancialhub.eu
Join us on November 29, 2010, at Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Booking online please use the code "PBEC" , this allows you to see all participant list and make conference meeting arrangements. You must use this password to take advantage of your participation.http://www.ceefinancialhub.eu/
Registration code : PBEC
For any further questions contact maciej@pbec.eu or call at 0044 7707233101
For hotel bookings we can recommend you list of top Warsaw Hotels working with WDA- Warsaw Destination Alliance ,please see the link list , for other hotels see additional link.